Suddenly, pharmaceutical patches are everywhere for every ailment: nonsmoking drugs, anti-depressants, birth control, and hundreds of prescription drugs are now coming out in patch form. It's fast becoming the preferred method of taking medicines, because there's no dilution of potency, no nausea or side effects to the digestive system, continuous time-released delivery and more accurate blood levels of the desired ingredients. It's also very easy to use and has a long shelf life.
It's no surprise, then, that this popular method of administering pharmaceuticals has also come to the all-natural male enhancement sector. Once only available in oral tablets or capsules, male enhancement benefits are now in the patch, making it super effective and more convenient than ever.
Thousands of men have already used the patch to address these concerns: Natural penis enhancement, harder, longer-lasting erections when aroused, better ejaculation control, consistently stronger sex drive, and greater orgasm intensity.
Patch products for male enhancement benefit from years of research and the latest up-to-the-minute know-how on transdermal pharmaceutical delivery. The patches release their active ingredients directly through the skin into the bloodstream in a sustained, gradual way over several hours. Because the ingredients don’t have to travel through the stomach, potency is much more predictable and efficient. Unlike pills, which often have to be taken at frequent intervals, the patch is a simple one-time application for full strength throughout the day.
The patch maintains consistent, non-fluctuating levels of active ingredients in the bloodstream - so there are no sudden dips or crashes.
For male enhancement, quality patches are difficult to come by. The companies that have a good track record of customer ordering, customer results and involvement by medical professionals are obviously the ones to choose.
The surveys we conducted showed that the MaxiDerm™ product gave the greatest results, and Albion Medical, the company that produces it, has a long history of satisfied customers.
The ingredients for patch products may include:
These are just some of the ingredients you might find in a penis enhancement patch. Other things to look for in a good patch are that it is manufactured in a certified lab and that the company offers a money-back guarantee.
Considering the costs of prescription drugs and the immeasurable benefits to a man's confidence, the patch is a great alternative for many men. Remember to shop carefully, and if you can’t find a product on your own, we recommend MaxiDerm™.