This is the final conclusion of Part I, where Dr. Richard Howard - who gained over 3 inches in length and 2 inches in girth with penile exercising (PE) - explained how he did it.
In this part, he talks about some of his keys to success, as well as PE becoming more out in the open.
You’ve been very successful in both PE and in life. What principles or secrets have you applied throughout both to get where you are?
With all goals in life, it’s never a 9 inning game. . .
You play until you succeed. You can’t think of reasons of why you shouldn’t or can’t do something, you just do it. . .
One place to start is through judicious studying of your goal, do your homework! You try to identify sources of information that are most credible to build a model of the goal and can lead to the great probability of success.
Also, in both life and PE, be ready to accept a great deal of failures. Failure is built into the system of growth, you learn mostly through your failures. We have to have mountain tops and we have to have valleys in the life process.
To appreciate the mountain tops one must experience the valleys also...
read the rest of Dr. Richard Howard's article