Recently, I've been getting requests for "quick fix" advice and "quick routines" for beginners. It seems that a lot of neophytes are impatient, and want something that they can do as an afterthought and expect to make gains. Let's go over some possible answers for these beginners...
"Is PE 'easy'?": Relatively speaking, yes. We've laid out most of the ground work for you in the members' area. The only thing left to do is to FOLLOW THE ROUTINES. Getting assistance and advice is important, but in the end, you're going to have to do the exercises YOURSELF.
"How long before I see results?" A lot of guys start seeing noticeable changes within a few weeks. A few genetic marvels have added up to an inch or more in less than a month! Uncommon? Yes. Impossible? No. Again, how fast you see results is entirely dependent on YOU. Here are some factors that will determine how much and how fast you gain:
- Finding a good routine- VERY IMPORTANT! Does the program offer consultation services? How's their support? How long do they take to answer emails? Is the info regularly updated? Are there various routines to choose from? Are the guidelines easy to follow?
- Your dedication to a routine- If you're constantly hoping from site to site in the hopes of a penis enlarging "Holy Grail", you're not going to make gains! Find a good, solid, and reputable PE program, and stick to it! Bottom line- Patience!
- Genetic ability: Simply put, some guys are born with bigger penises, and some guys are born with the ability to make gains faster than others.
- Your ability to follow instructions: This is a biggie! Some guys have trouble interpreting written exercise instructions. If you're of of these guys, find a PE program that offers online video instructions.
A lot of the same guys that are seeking quick fixes are also complaining that the routines "take too long". Granted, there are some sites that recommend doing hours of exercises (we don't recommend those). For the sites that we DO recommend- "Do the exercises take a long time to do?" Relatively speaking, no. Unless you're VERY advanced, the exercises shouldn't take more than 30 minutes a day (hanging weights is the exception, but that doesn't require anything more than setting up a weight at the end of your penis- no actual manual exercise there) to perform.
People talk about being pressed for time. Take 20 minutes a day to devote to PE. Are you willing to set aside a few minutes a day for PE? If you REALLY desire a bigger penis, you'll MAKE the time. Take that time that you normally spend watching TV and use it for PE. Wake up a few minutes earlier or go to bed a few minutes later. Do it on your lunch/coffee break. Get the idea?
How badly do you want it?
Hope this helps!
'Big Al Alfaro' - PE Consultant